Wings Over Normandy
Season 2 - Chapter 2 is now ONLINE. Here the Rules and Documentation
Wings Over Normandy Statistics

Aircrafts Statistic

With the hope that the competition will be healthy and fun, enjoy!

All Aircrafts

Aircrafts Flight Time (h) Takeoffs Landings Deaths Crashes A/A Kills Ship Kills A/G Kills Landing Rate (%) AVR Flt Time (m)
P-51D 1,343h 2114 1131 820 919 193 100 1748 54% 38m
FW-190D9 601h 1060 634 297 350 346 20 1418 60% 34m
SpitfireLFMkIX 601h 982 667 195 252 117 16 545 68% 37m
MosquitoFBMkVI 513h 591 289 193 253 6 29 181 49% 52m
Bf-109K-4 472h 1035 621 303 348 212 1 477 60% 27m
FW-190A8 256h 427 278 144 158 62 12 379 65% 36m
P-47D-40 193h 288 171 68 98 10 4 142 59% 40m
P-47D-30 86h 131 81 24 30 4 2 51 62% 40m
SpitfireLFMkIXCW 52h 81 53 11 21 12 0 26 65% 39m
P-51D-30-NA 4h 4 3 1 1 0 0 4 75% 57m

Statistics will be updated once mission is restarted

Next Multi Squadrons Event

Air Tasking Order: WON-20240215-2000
Thursday 17th October 2024
at 20:00 zulu

Reservation is Appreciated -> PM to Catu1st (AMVI_Catu) on Discord
Join the Event